World Book Day 2024 - Celebrating Our Oaks

7th March, 2024

It's #WorldBookDay!

In 2018 Action Oak partnered with the International Garden Photographer of the Year Competition 12 to raise awareness of the Action Oak initiative, and raise money for essential scientific research and monitoring.

The competition was initially launched on the 21st May 2018 at the Chelsea Flower Show. Running until the 30th of September 2018, after judging in early October, the process moved on to Printing and delivery in November 2018.

The Celebrating Our Oaks photos then went on a touring exhibition in 2018, launched at RGB Kew, it visited Wakehurst Place 31 st Jan-28 Feb, Westonbirt-1/2 March- 1/2 April, Yorkshire Arboretum- 2/3 April- 7 th May, Belvoir Park- May – 7 th June, RGB Edinburgh- June/July, The National Botanic Garden of Wales – August and Smallwoods, Telford – September.

The book pulls together the photos from the competition and includes a Foreword from Dame Judi Dench and an Introduction from Tony Kirkham.

This book with beautiful photographs was the result and is still available!

If you'd like to support Action Oak by purchasing the book, head to the Woodland Heritage Shop: Celebrating our Oaks : Foreword by Dame Judi Dench — Woodland Heritage


March 2024 Action Oak Round Table Newsletter


Researcher Spotlight - Louise Gathercole